A biweekly newsletter with seed ideas for a BIG life!

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The Sunday Seeds Newsletter invites you to plant seeds for change. Each issue contains short ideas to stretch you comfort zone. There are also questions to help you dig deeper into new perspectives and possibilities for your BIG dreams. It’s time to create a life by design, not by default.

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What would you love? 💚

"I am not what happened to me. I am who I choose to become" —Carl Jung

Introducing, Harper…our 8-week-old Golden Retriever, formerly known as “Green Girl.”

We are in love!💚🐶🐾

Her story is part of my story which inspired this post…

Is your to-do list hijacking your life and your joy?


Is there something you’ve been putting off…a dream, a project, a life experiment?

Maybe it’s planning a college reunion vacation, writing a memoir, or learning to bake sourdough bread?

You know that One Thing that answers the most important question to living a fulfilling life…

A few weeks ago, I invited you to ask that key question:

“What would I love?”


Have you been asking it every day and then patiently listening?

I never ask anyone to do something I wouldn’t do myself—my goal is to always walk the talk.

In fact, I didn’t just start asking myself that question recently…I’ve been asking it for months.

And what was the answer I felt in my gut?

“I would love to be more aligned with my deepest values and unique identity.”

That might sound a bit strange to you, but after years of digging deep into my soul work, that’s how my True Self begins almost every conversation.

And then I patiently wait for more…because this is not a one-and-done process.

I continued to ask that question, and after several weeks, I finally heard a clear answer.

The response created a renewed vision for my life and reminded me of my need for joy and fulfillment.

My inner voice said, “I would love to be a dog family again…I would love to get a puppy.”  

So cool! I love when my heart speaks!

But in seconds, my brain took over—logic and analytical thinking are both my superpower and my kryptonite.

I immediately heard a long list of reasons of why I should ignore my heart:

  • Puppies are a lot of work…you don’t have any energy to spare.
  • Where will you find the time given your already busy schedule?
  • Dogs are a significant commitment for many years (Our first two pups lived to 16 and 15).
  • Have you seen the cost of dog food and vet expenses?
  • You’ll lose the freedom to travel on a moment’s notice.

You know that voice, right?

The one that holds you back and keeps you in your comfort zone?

It’s simply your brain, trying to protect you from change and discomfort.

I thanked my brain for all its protective thoughts (and believe me, there were a lot more than five limiting beliefs)…

And then returned to the most important question: What would I love?

My Future Self had a few things to say:

  • Training a puppy will give you more practice in developing patience (yep, I could definitely use more of that). Plus, the reward will be snuggles and companionship.
  • A puppy’s curiosity will be a daily reminder to look at life with a fresh perspective (Yep, I need a refresher in a ground-level point-of-view).
  • Think of who you want to be 10-15 years from now—a dog is a loyal accountability partner on those cold or rainy days when it would be all too tempting to skip your daily walk. (Yep, movement is key to healthy longevity).
  • A dog will become the ambassador and greeter at the front door…welcoming friends and new acquaintances who will expand your opportunities for connection and community.
  • You are and will always be…a Dog Momma!

I am a Dog Momma…it is part of my identity…it is part of who we are as a family.

Yes, my family is 100% onboard with this decision.

My One Thing for the next 6-12 months will be training our sweet Harper… 

And yes, I will have help and support from family and friends.

The success and timing will depend on our consistency, patience, and willingness to stay curious…like a puppy.

But enough about Harper (for now)…

It’s time for YOU to create a new to-do list where your #1 priority is that One Thing…

And if you don’t have an answer yet…make your #1 priority to ask, “What would I love?”

I’d love to hear what your One Thing is.


Tell me sweet soul…What you would love?

Planting seeds of possibility and purpose,

Seeds to Stories - Conscious Lifestyle Coaching

🌻 PS: If you’d like learn how coaching can accelerate your path to living a life you love,  schedule a free Let’s Connect call here.


Thanks for reading. You can get more actionable ideas in my email newsletter. Each week, I share short ideas and questions to challenge and inspire your thinking. Enter your information now and join us in digging in to life

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“There is no enjoying the possession of anything valuable unless one has someone to share it with.” —Seneca

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Life You Love

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“The key is not spending time, but in investing it.” —Stephen Covey

Struggling to answer

What do I do NOW?

Who am I NOW?

The kids have left the nest

Can't figure out why
this is so hard?

  • The loneliness, sadness, and “shoulds” are holding you back.
  • You’re worried about the kids AND now you’re worried about you too.
  • Your future feels uncertain and you can’t imagine the first step to creating one.

It's possible to end feeling lost and frustrated...

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investing in yourself and your dreams.
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We’re here to support you and help skyrocket your energy, joy, and action. It won’t be long and we’ll get you started because it’s time to turn your dreams into a reality.

“The key is not spending time, but in investing it.” —Stephen Covey

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Seeds to Stories - Kim

Your beautiful soul inspires me to write and share tips for living your best life.

I can’t wait to see you step into your heart-centered story. In a few days look for a SPECIAL edition of my lifestyle and creativity tips.

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you think might enjoy a little extra inspiration.

“There is no enjoying the possession of anything valuable
unless one has someone to share it with.”


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"Dream Big. Start Small. Act Now." —Robin Sharma

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