"You must have a level of discontent to feel the urge to want to
grow." —Idowu Koyenikan
There is one question that has the power to bring joy, freedom, and fulfillment into your life.
This question is simple yet transformative.
Its power lies in asking it every day…and then patiently listening.
As you lean into it more and more, you will notice its incredible impact.
The four-word question is:
“What would I love?”
Boom! Where does it hit you?
In your heart…your head…your gut?
Does the question stir longing…discontent…both?
Longing and discontent in your life are actually tools to help you get clear on what your true desires are.
When you know what you would love, you open the door to transformation.
This awareness empowers you to take charge of your life and discover the dreams that are trying to emerge through you.
It starts with understanding this:
The problems we face are actually pointing us toward our unfulfilled dreams.
Life is always seeking an ever-fuller expression and expansion through you.
And your problems come with two signs that a dream is trying to emerge in your life: longing and discontent.
The discontent of not having time for yourself or a creative outlet for your ideas is valuable information.
The longing for self-care is powerful information.
When your longing and discontent appear, that is the time to get curious. Ask yourself, “What dream is trying to emerge in my life?”
Once you have identified your discontent, use it like a seed. Nurture it…be curious and see what emerges.
The sprout will show up as a phrase starting, “I would love…”
I would love…
greater confidence,
to feel like I’m enough,
to voice my opinions at work,
to spend six weeks in Europe,
a stronger relationship with my partner, adult children, or neighbors.
When you notice your longing and discontent, return to the question, “What would I love?”
This question helps shift our attention from our circumstances to our dream.
And once you open the door to your imagination and endless possibilities…
There is space for joy, freedom, and impact.
What are the details of your dream?
What does it look, sound, feel, smell, and taste like?
How does it make you feel?
When you are focused on a dream rather than the discontent, you will feel lighter and more energetic.
If you look at a part of your life and do not like what you see…
The place to make the change is actually in your consciousness, not your circumstances.
Your consciousness—your thoughts—create your circumstances.
If you want to get clear on your dreams and make room for more joy, freedom, and fulfillment in your life…
Look at the places of discontent and longing.
Then ask yourself, “What would I love?”