A biweekly newsletter with seed ideas for a BIG life!

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The Sunday Seeds Newsletter invites you to plant seeds for change. Each issue contains short ideas to stretch you comfort zone. There are also questions to help you dig deeper into new perspectives and possibilities for your BIG dreams. It’s time to create a life by design, not by default.

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Beyond DO-ing: Build A BeYOUtiful Life With Self-worth 💖

"Reflection is the lamp of the heart. If it departs, the heart will have no light." —Imam Al-Haddad

What you DO is a reflection of you, but it’s not YOU.

Please reread that statement again.

It’s true that people interact with you based on what you do. They want to spend time with you DO-ing. 

But that can be true without you BE-ing your actions. 

When you are your DO-ings…every failure, every negative comment, every uncompleted task…feels like a reflection of your worth and value as a human. 

Especially when others DO things effortlessly and perfectly, right?

Awareness alert: That’s one of those dangerous and toxic comparison statements that leads to limiting beliefs—and a topic for another day.

But I get it. 

Even if you’re a checklist champion, your to-DO list feels like your unique contribution to this world. 

It can feel like a personal attack or failure when you receive negative feedback, a project doesn’t go as planned, or you’re not as far along in life by now as you thought you’d be. 

And this is especially painful when you purposefully include your creative spirit.

From the simple, private expressions of your thoughts to a loved one through a meal, a poem, or a planned adventure…to the public risks of making a speech, sharing your first novel, or applying for your dream job…when someone is critical…it cuts to the core of your soul.

But here’s the thing: your DOING can still be important to you without it BEING you. 

It’s not a reflection of your worth. 

When you don’t equate yourself with your DOING, you can experience challenges and failures without it meaning you suck as a human. 

You can have a bad day and still meet your friend for dinner AND have a great time because you are worthy just as you already are—separate from your missteps.

I’ve experienced this struggle firsthand. 

For many years, my self-worth was directly linked to how much I could accomplish in a day both at my job and as a mother, wife, daughter, friend. 

A bad day at work meant I was failing not just professionally, but personally too. 

My thoughts were not only harmful, but unsustainable. 

It took time and purposeful reflection to understand that how many tasks I completed each day did not define my True Self.

It took time to understand that I am inherently valuable.

It took time to FEEL my BEING, and then live as if my worth is not based on what I produce or create.

My worth is who I am at my core…perfectly imperfect. 

And that’s true for YOU, too.

This is not about putting on a mask (we DO too much of that already).

It’s about showing up, BEING present as your perfectly imperfect self, and creating a space where your creative spirit can grow and flourish…regardless of the ups and downs in your personal and professional life.

How do we do this? 

We start with ONE thing on our to-do list for today: Take five minutes to reflect on how it feels to BE YOU.

Strong enough for all the struggles and worthy of all the good life offers.

Perfectly imperfect.

DO it now…

And then go out and BE your BeYOUtiful self!

Planting seeds of possibility and purpose,

Seeds to Stories - Conscious Lifestyle Coaching

🌻 PS: If you’d like learn how coaching can accelerate your path to living a life you love,  schedule a free Let’s Connect call here.


Thanks for reading. You can get more actionable ideas in my email newsletter. Each week, I share short ideas and questions to challenge and inspire your thinking. Enter your information now and join us in digging in to life

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“There is no enjoying the possession of anything valuable unless one has someone to share it with.” —Seneca

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“The key is not spending time, but in investing it.” —Stephen Covey

Struggling to answer

What do I do NOW?

Who am I NOW?

The kids have left the nest

Can't figure out why
this is so hard?

  • The loneliness, sadness, and “shoulds” are holding you back.
  • You’re worried about the kids AND now you’re worried about you too.
  • Your future feels uncertain and you can’t imagine the first step to creating one.

It's possible to end feeling lost and frustrated...

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We’re here to support you and help skyrocket your energy, joy, and action. It won’t be long and we’ll get you started because it’s time to turn your dreams into a reality.

“The key is not spending time, but in investing it.” —Stephen Covey

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Seeds to Stories - Kim

Your beautiful soul inspires me to write and share tips for living your best life.

I can’t wait to see you step into your heart-centered story. In a few days look for a SPECIAL edition of my lifestyle and creativity tips.

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“There is no enjoying the possession of anything valuable
unless one has someone to share it with.”


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"Dream Big. Start Small. Act Now." —Robin Sharma

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