"Discomfort is the price of admission to a meaningful life." —Susan David
When it comes to big dreams or everyday goals…
Does it ever feel like nothing ever comes easy?
No matter how much you want it or how hard you try…
Things don’t line up for you like they do for other people?
You’re sick of not getting results.
And rather than experience heartbreak or face failing again…
You just say, “It is what it is,” and move on.
It can feel like you’re the only one who can’t figure out their life.
Oh dear friend, you’re not alone.
While it can feel like no one else feels this way, I felt that way just this morning…
EVERYONE does at some point.
But there is good news…for ALL of us!
The difference between people who stay stuck and those who eventually find success comes down to this:
How you respond to discomfort.
There are two primary responses when you feel uncomfortable:
- Retreat to your Comfort Zone.
- Step into your Stretch Zone.
One feels like contraction and the other expansion…
Any guesses on which one will move you toward the things you want?
I’m confident you know the answer…but let’s explore a bit more.
There’s a reason we call it our comfort zone.
It’s safe and familiar…we can thank our brain’s survival mechanism for this.
But this comfortable place is where you end up feeling stuck…
And the real bummer?
Discomfort doesn’t disappear. It just shows up in other ways.
However, the Stretch Zone is one tiny step beyond our Comfort Zone.
It feels a bit risky. We sense the challenge of trying new things and learning new skills.
And, yes, there is discomfort, but it also grows your courage and confidence.
It prepares you for the next level of discomfort.
Did you notice something?
At no time did I say discomfort completely goes away.
You just get to CHOOSE which kind of discomfort you want in your life.
The bottom-line is this:
The fastest way to change the level of results you’re getting is to lean into discomfort…
And step boldly into your Stretch Zone.
Because when you choose your Comfort Zone, you will continue to feel stuck, held back, unable to gain momentum.
No matter how hard you work…
When you continue to avoid the discomfort of trying new things…
It will feel like you’re banging your head against the same wall—the wall surrounding your Comfort Zone.
But when you fully experience the discomfort and you move forward anyway…
And you do that today, and tomorrow, and the next day…
You scale that wall and sometimes blast a big hole right through it.
And on the other side of that wall…is the life you want.
You create alignment with your goals and build so much momentum that you turn your dreams into reality!
Imagine your dream is to confidently express your opinions, but sharing your ideas is uncomfortable…
You’re going to keep hesitating because you’re afraid of rejection.
Or possibly even scared of what might happen if you succeed.
You hold back from speaking up in meetings,
telling your partner about a lifelong dream vacation to Peru,
or setting boundaries with your family’s holiday expectations.
And what happens? Nothing changes.
Your discomfort doesn’t disappear…in fact, it’s probably stronger.
Now imagine you CHOOSE to share your thoughts in just ONE of those situations…
And tell yourself,
“I’m choosing to step into my Stretch Zone
and I’m doing this no matter how uncomfortable it is.”
Well…based on my client’s experiences…
You’ll find life changing and opening up to you in ways you haven’t dreamed of!
When you keep leaning into uncertainty, and stretching beyond your current comfort level…
Doors will open,
New connections will be made, and
Unexpected opportunities will unfold…
And all you have to do is to say, “Yes!”
Easy peasy, right?
It will take practice…and you won’t always get it right, or get the results you hoped on the first try.
But like any new skill, the more you do it, the easier it gets.
If you could use some help building a practice of stepping into your Stretch Zone…that is my mission…and you can connect with me here.
Because going it alone is harder…and slower…
But only you know when it’s time to step out of your Comfort Zone…
Embrace your discomfort and trust your deepest desires.
The world needs your dreams, {$name}…
Is it time for you to S-T-R-E-T-C-H?
What is the ONE small step you can take today?
Do that!
Reply to this email and tell me what you did so I can celebrate with you!