A biweekly newsletter with seed ideas for a BIG life!

About the Newsletter

The Sunday Seeds Newsletter invites you to plant seeds for change. Each issue contains short ideas to stretch you comfort zone. There are also questions to help you dig deeper into new perspectives and possibilities for your BIG dreams. It’s time to create a life by design, not by default.

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Autopilot is risky ⚠️

“For the second half of life to be better than the first, you must make the choice to step outside of the safety of living on autopilot.” — Bob Buford, Halftime

It’s time to decide…

Whenever the new year, a new season, or a new month approach, do you find yourself questioning everything?

Your job…could I do something different, more meaningful?
Your relationships…could I be more intentional about connecting?
Your health…could I move more, eat healthier, drink more water?
Your True Self…could I be honest about my desires and choose core values over status quo?

I find myself wondering and reimagining the way things “ought” to be at this time of year…you too?

And yet…

You know you’ve been working hard—really hard—but something about your life feels off?

A few months ago, with the change of seasons, I was asking these types of questions.

As I began my morning routine, I realized I was on autopilot. 

My carefully crafted process was getting in the way of new priorities. 

I was chasing goals that no longer truly reflect me: my unique talents, values, or dreams.

Quotes like the one above often plant a seed of thought in my heart and mind.

Over time, for me, they might grow into an email, a blog post, a video…or the most rewarding…a conversation with a friend.

Recently, this quote nudged me towards conversations with successful people who were ready to move from simply “getting by” to creating a life of significance.

Does that kind of realization resonate with you?

The end of a year and the start of another is a natural time to reflect on where we are—and where we want to go. 

At our core, we desire safety—safety from failure, safety from risk, and maybe even safety from daring to ask, What do I really want?

Staying on autopilot feels like the safer path. 

You work hard, you follow the steps, and maybe you achieve success as the world defines it—titles, accolades, financial stability.

But deep down, you may sense something’s missing.

Autopilot can keep us from peeling back the layers to discover what our hearts truly desire. 

For some, this avoidance might look like staying in a job they no longer love. For others, it’s burying creative dreams under the weight of busyness or self-doubt.

And while there’s nothing wrong with choosing stability or measured effort—especially if it gives you space for family, art, or activism—there’s a danger in staying “safe” simply because you’re afraid to look deeper.

That breaks my heart.

Here’s the truth: Stepping outside of the safety of autopilot is hard, but it’s also where life gets exciting. 

It’s where the little seeds of your wildest dreams start to sprout.

Whether you’re considering a big change—switching careers, launching a creative project, starting a business—or facing a quieter internal shift, like aligning with your purpose or redefining who you are outside of work or home, it helps to know you’re not alone.

That’s why finding a supportive community is so important. 

When you surround yourself with others who are also ready to step boldly into their next chapter, you find the courage to reflect on your dreams, share your ideas, and take small steps toward something meaningful.

As the new year approaches…

Don’t settle for autopilot.
Don’t quiet-quit your own life.

Instead, think about what lights you up. 

Find the people who will cheer you on. 

Create a future that matters—not just to others, but to you.

I’d love to hear how you’re stepping into this next year…next chapter. Hit reply and let me know what dreams you’re ready to explore. 

If that conversation feels risky, you’re probably on the path to significance.

Find one person to share your ideas with.

Let’s make this year—and this season of life—a time of growth, creativity, and bold new beginnings.

Planting seeds of possibility and purpose,

Seeds to Stories - Conscious Lifestyle Coaching

🌻 PS: If you’d like learn how coaching can accelerate your path to living a life you love,  schedule a free Let’s Connect call here.


Thanks for reading. You can get more actionable ideas in my email newsletter. Each week, I share short ideas and questions to challenge and inspire your thinking. Enter your information now and join us in digging in to life

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“There is no enjoying the possession of anything valuable unless one has someone to share it with.” —Seneca

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(HINT: If it’s not there, check your junk folder.)

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It’s your time to create the 

Life You Love

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“The key is not spending time, but in investing it.” —Stephen Covey

Struggling to answer

What do I do NOW?

Who am I NOW?

The kids have left the nest

Can't figure out why
this is so hard?

  • The loneliness, sadness, and “shoulds” are holding you back.
  • You’re worried about the kids AND now you’re worried about you too.
  • Your future feels uncertain and you can’t imagine the first step to creating one.

It's possible to end feeling lost and frustrated...

You're amazing my friend!

You took the courageous first step toward
investing in yourself and your dreams.
You are on the VIP list!

We’re here to support you and help skyrocket your energy, joy, and action. It won’t be long and we’ll get you started because it’s time to turn your dreams into a reality.

“The key is not spending time, but in investing it.” —Stephen Covey

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Seeds to Stories - Kim

Your beautiful soul inspires me to write and share tips for living your best life.

I can’t wait to see you step into your heart-centered story. In a few days look for a SPECIAL edition of my lifestyle and creativity tips.

I would love it if you would share this information with someone
you think might enjoy a little extra inspiration.

“There is no enjoying the possession of anything valuable
unless one has someone to share it with.”


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"Dream Big. Start Small. Act Now." —Robin Sharma

An email is also on its way to your inbox with a link to your free guide, as well as some other important details to support you in living your life purpose.

(HINT: If it’s not there, check your junk folder.)