A biweekly newsletter with seed ideas for a BIG life!

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The Sunday Seeds Newsletter invites you to plant seeds for change. Each issue contains short ideas to stretch you comfort zone. There are also questions to help you dig deeper into new perspectives and possibilities for your BIG dreams. It’s time to create a life by design, not by default.

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Are your habits like expired frozen OJ? 🍊

““If you’re brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello.” — Paulo Coehlo

Every Tuesday is garbage day at our house…not exactly exciting…unless it also happens to be the last day of the year.

Usually I just look through the refrigerator for expired leftovers or wilted produce, but last week I checked the freezer, too.

As I rifled through the frozen items, I stumbled upon a glass container of frozen orange juice. 

It was a leftover from some morning when fresh OJ seemed like the perfect addition to brunch.

The date on the handwritten label read 1-12-24…almost one year old. 

Should I throw it out?” I asked aloud, as if the orange juice might answer back.

Here’s the thing about frozen orange juice—if stored properly in a sealed container, it can last up to a year and still be safe to consume. 

The catch? For the best flavor, it’s recommended to use it within a few months. (Thank you to the internet for providing me that answer at 5:30AM.)

I stared at the container for a moment longer. 

The juice was probably fine. Technically. 

But would it still taste the way I wanted it to? Or would it leave my future Upside-down Orange French Toast flavored with the faint disappointment of something that had lost its spark?

In that moment, I realized old habits could be a lot like that orange juice.

Some habits linger in our lives, and while they might still “work”—still serve a purpose at some level—they aren’t always giving us their full flavor anymore. 

Maybe it’s the workout routine you’ve been doing for years, the one that keeps you moving but doesn’t light you up. Or the nightly scroll through social media that winds down your day but leaves you feeling empty or envious.

These habits aren’t bad. They’re just not fresh.

They don’t provide an energetic spark.

As we step into January, the season of renewal and goal-setting, I invite you to take a metaphorical walk through your freezer of habits. 

  • Which ones are still bursting with life? 
  • Which ones feel more like that year-old orange juice—potentially useful but missing something essential?

Getting rid of those old habits can feel unnecessary. After all, they’re still technically okay. 

But by letting them go, you create space for vibrant, fulfilling habits. 

Maybe it’s time to swap that stagnant workout for a dance class you’ve been curious about. Or trade the social media scroll for an evening walk that clears your mind.

The truth is, not everything in our lives needs to be kept indefinitely. 

Some things are meant to be consumed fully in their prime and then released.

Me? I tossed the orange juice. Not because it was bad, but because I wanted to start fresh. I wanted to taste the sunshine and full-flavor of fresh juice.

The thud into the trash bin gave me a small sense of satisfaction. 

A clean slate. Room for something new.

(NOTE: My metaphor failed when I realized I wanted to save my container and the melted juice would create a mess in the garbage…I ran hot water over it in the sink instead…but you get the idea. 😉)

It also inspired me to think about my morning routine. 

I want a new source of morning inspiration to replace the book I’ve used for the last four years. I won’t be throwing out my morning routine, but instead looking to revamp it.

Maybe it’ll be a new daily quote calendar or spiritual meditation…any suggestions?

Whatever I decide, I’m already feeling the spark of excitement from replacing an old habit with something different.

As you step into the new year, take a quick inventory. 

Ask yourself…

  • What old habits, routines, or practices are you holding onto just because they’re still technically “good enough”? 
  • What might happen if you cleared them out to make room for habits that truly nourish and energize you?
  • What habits might still be useful but need revising because they’ve lost the flavor that once made them exciting, inspiring?

Sometimes, the smallest act—like tossing almost-expired orange juice—can be the first step toward making space for something fresh and fulfilling.

Make room for something bigger this year…

Squeeze some “fresh fruit” habits into this coming month.

Live juicy, my sweet friend!!

Planting seeds of possibility and purpose,

Seeds to Stories - Conscious Lifestyle Coaching

🌻 PS: If you’d like learn how coaching can accelerate your path to living a life you love,  schedule a free Let’s Connect call here.


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Seeds to Stories - Kim

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