Morning Lark or Night Owl 🦜🦉?
Whether you consider yourself a morning lark or a night owl, we all are gifted with the first moment of the day.
It’s the moment when we first open our eyes and come face-to-face with a precious opportunity.
The opportunity to create our day with what inspires us most.
Setting the Tone 🎶🎬
It’s like the opening scene in a movie or novel.
There is a musicality to it.
However, it’s easy to forget that we are the director, the writer, and the composer of this powerful moment.
The moment moves from ordinary to extraordinary when you offer yourself fully to the creative process.
You get to choose to fill the moment with whatever inspires you most.
💡 Maybe you want to be more generous or forgiving in your relationships.
💡 Maybe you want to move more throughout the day so you can move with ease for years to come.
💡 Maybe you want to be energized by creative dreams for your future.
Whatever the case, when you bring your vision into your thoughts in this very fertile moment, you invite it to be the empowering principle of your day.
Sunrise ☀️ or Alarm ⏰
Sometimes we wake up with a mood locked in place.
It’s important to notice this feeling and listen to its message.
In this split-second of awakening, your subconscious is still engaged.
Some of your thoughts and feelings are deeply rooted in areas of the brain that cannot form words.
Yet, if you practice awareness, you can find a deep understanding of what is going on inside you.
When you are conscious, you can honor those first moment messages and then decide what thoughts will form the foundation of your day.
While you can influence the first thoughts when you wake, you can’t control them. But you can decide what your next thoughts will be.
Choose carefully.
Focus on inspiration.
Then you can continue to reaffirm your vision for the day as you eat breakfast, taxi the kids to school, and join the 8 AM work meeting.
As you move through the day, call upon the thought AND the feeling from the morning’s FOCUSED idea.
Notice how it adds color and texture to your day.
Be open to whatever your FIRST MOMENT offers throughout the day.
Sunset Superpower ✨
If you want to supercharge your morning’s FIRST MOMENT, begin the night before.
As you prepare for bed, think about what you want to bring about in the next day.
Do you want to expand a particular quality, like confidence or curiosity?
Plant these evening “seeds” of thought as you put your head on your pillow.
The ideas will germinate overnight.
The next morning, they may offer unexpected gifts of awareness and creativity.
Inventor Benjamin Franklin asked himself a self-improvement question every night: “What good have I done today?”
Variations on this could be:
- What do I want more of in my life?
- How can I best serve others with my gifts and skills?
- Where do I need to open my heart and mind?
Questions for the week:
- What is one inspiring idea you would like to invite into your life?
- How can you remember to pause and look for the treasure in your morning’s FIRST MOMENT?
- What question can you ask yourself before bed that invites your subconscious to enhance your first thoughts the next morning?
When you practice awareness in those first moments, you create the setting and first line of dialogue in your daily story.
What will you create tomorrow morning?