Lifestyle Design & Creativity Coach

Create the life you love

3 Simple Questions to Add Magic to Your Week 🎩

"The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak."

The Secret Saturday Ritual

I have a secret…

Every Saturday morning, I have a small but helpful ritual that has become my secret to maintaining the delicate dance between life and work. 

This is not the standard Monday through Friday to-do list review or quick glance at the day’s calendar.

It’s a thoughtful process focused on a few simple questions.

These questions ensure my upcoming schedule supports what’s truly important: my life.

Do you ever find yourself caught in the whirlwind of weekend tasks? 🌪️

Or sucked into the vortex of “just a few work emails?” 🤦🏼‍♀️

If so, you could benefit from a ritual I call “Simply Saturday.” 

(HINT: And yes, you’ll still accomplish plenty of the things—more importantly, the “right” things.)

Picture this: your very own slice of time, a sacred moment nestled between the demands of the week. 🧘🏻‍♀️

It’s a time to pause, reflect, and make space for your creative visions. 💡

What could be more magical than that? 🪄

So find a comfy spot, grab your cup of coffee or tea, and I’ll walk you through what I do.

To make your own Simply Saturday ritual, start with these three questions. Tweak, adapt, and make the process your own. 

Above all, keep it simple. ✅

Three Questions. Infinite Possibilities.

To get to the heart of “Simply Saturdays,” ask yourself three simple questions:


1. What can I eliminate from my schedule? 📆 

Sometimes my schedule gets crammed with all the things that didn’t get done during the previous week(s). 

My first step is to identify the tasks and commitments that aren’t aligned with my core goals: connection, curiosity, creativity.

Then I remove the things that don’t make my list of what truly matters. 

Ah…do you feel the space opening up?

This is when I magically see the time and space for meeting with friends, gardening, and daydreaming about my next travel adventure.

Elimination = space for your creative and values-aligned goals.

Try it.



2. What tasks can be automated to free up my energy? ⚡️

Technology can be a trusted friend. 💻

I hate to miss acknowledging a friend’s birthday. Beginning the week before, my brain keeps reminding me to send the card or note. 

My brain also reminds me of how awful I’ll feel if I miss the birthday.

I’m often scrambling to write a special note at  the 11th hour and I’m sure the message comes with the subtext of “rushed.”

Then a few years ago, I received an automated birthday e-card from a friend. It was entertaining and personalized.

What a great idea! 🤓

I can still create a personalized note, but I can do it without feeling rushed. 

I schedule time each month to write those notes and then set them to go out on the right day. 

Phew…the energy I save from not worrying about being late or listening to my brain’s constant reminders can be used for a walk in nature or writing a poem.

Imagine the freedom of letting go of manual tasks and having more room to focus on what sets your soul on fire.


3. What tasks should I delegate to reclaim my time? ⏰

Recognize your worth and let go of tasks that drain your precious time.

I have to admit that I’m a bit of an obsessive DIY-er. 👩🏼‍💻 🛠️ 

If I can do it myself, I usually do.

I struggle to delegate (too many reasons to get into here. 🤣)

During the pandemic, I realized how much time I could spend looking for items in multiple stores: time, energy, gas. That time could be spent writing a newsletter, coaching clients, and pursuing passion projects.

This is the question that frequently stumps me most often during my Simply Saturday sessions. I’m a work-in-progress too.

But when you delegate wisely,  you can see large spaces open up for your passions.

The Importance of Naming

Why do I call it “Simply Saturday?” 

Labeling a routine might seem silly, but it’s a powerful signal to your brain that this event has an identity and a purpose. 

Naming a routine establishes a clear boundary between that specific activity and other aspects of your life. 

This separation helps create a mental space for the routine, making it easier to prioritize and commit to…on Saturday.

Creativity in the Framework 🖼️

Don’t get caught up in the specifics of of this ritual. 

Focus on the framework and the goal: 

Reclaiming time and energy for the ideas that will energize you for the week ahead. 

You can do this on Friday or Sunday. Even Monday morning, if that suits you.

You can focus on only one or two questions to start and then expand the list of questions as you become skilled at elimination and delegation.

Focus on building the habit first.  ✅ ✅ ✅

Pick a day, a question, and a trigger event (i.e. Saturday coffee).

Let me know what new questions you come up with as you practice this weekly ritual.

Give yourself this weekly gift—a gift that keeps on giving, fueling your creative ideas and opening doors to new possibilities. 🎁

🌻 If you’d like to connect for a virtual coffee chat, schedule time with me here.


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Struggling to answer

What do I do NOW?

Who am I NOW?

The kids have left the nest

Can't figure out why
this is so hard?

  • The loneliness, sadness, and “shoulds” are holding you back.
  • You’re worried about the kids AND now you’re worried about you too.
  • Your future feels uncertain and you can’t imagine the first step to creating one.

It's possible to end feeling lost and frustrated...

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“The key is not spending time, but in investing it.” —Stephen Covey

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Seeds to Stories - Kim

Your beautiful soul inspires me to write and share tips for living your best life.

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